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Can you help ensure our education project is accessible to all girls


Help us to ensure education is accessible to ALL girls by building a new toilet block with disabled access and bathroom and supporting good menstrual hygiene and hand washing.


Our education project is about fair access to education for disadvantaged girls in our community. We help to develop their independence, agency, and social inclusion.

Life in the slums is hard. Poverty and financial pressures put children, especially girls, at very high risk of violence, physical or sexual abuse, child labour, prostitution or early marriage.

If you happen to be born with a disability in the slum, your chances in life drop even further. Less than 9% of these children with disabilities can access primary education and even fewer are enrolled in secondary education.

Awamu is about justice for the most vulnerable – we have identified girls that could benefit from this project. But access is a huge barrier and we need your help to change that. Can you help us build a toilet to make our project accessible? Florence, Director Tusitukirewamu (Awamu's longterm sister organisation in Kampala).

Through our matched giving appeal, £1652 could be doubled to £3304 which could pay for the building materials & labour for a toilet block with disabled access at our education centre.

Can you help us build a new loo with a donation today:

If we can raise £1652 it will be doubled to £3304 which could pay for all building materials & labour for a toilet block with disabled access at our education centre. This would mean can fully include girls like Hajara in our project.

I have always wanted to go to school. All my life this community has told I couldn’t. They told me it was a waste for me. That I should not be with other children. My legs don’t work, but my mind does. I have dreams, but no one ever made me feel like I could achieve anything until I met Florence and her team” Hajara, 15 years.

If you have already donated, THANK YOU. If you haven’t or would like to donate again you can help to make this project reality by donating now.

Love and thanks for your continued support

Florence Masuliya, Director Tusitukirewamu (Awamu's longterm sister organisation in Kampala).