Community food gardens are go!

Our community food gardens are going to help over 600 children in the slums of Kampala fight hunger, learn, save their own money and run their own businesses.

This is the start of something big!

There is so much happening in Kampala right now!

The roll out of Community Food Gardens project has kicked off.

This week the teams in Bwaise and Makerere have organising and training five different gardening groups including three in schools (two primary and one Secondary).

We’ve seen hunger crush the aspiration of even the brightest and most ambitious children we work with which is why we were determined to scale this project up.

Our gardens will not only be a source of food for over 600 children in the slums of Kampala, they’ll also learn how to run them as enterprises and start their own saving groups from the profit they make selling the excess vegetable.

Many of the children we've enrolled in the project aren't in school because their guardians can't afford the fees or uniforms.

This is an opportunity for them to learn agricultural and business skills that could be vital to their future.

We look forward to adding more photos over the next few days as the project rolls out.

Thank you to Avanade​, The Aspire Foundation​ and everyone that took part in our sunflower growing challenges and donated to make it possible for so many children.

Read more about our life changing food gardens project here.

Makerere Primary School

