Our London to Amsterdam cycle in pictures

Its taken us a while to gather ourselves after our epic cycle but here it is - our epic trip in pictures so you can relive some of the highlights with us :)

300  miles, 8 punctures, a tonne of non-branded chocolate bars and several severe rain storms later - we've raised over £9000!

Day 1: London to Calais (70 + very hilly miles)

A tough first day (especially Shooters Hill). Two of my fondest memories of this day are: being hit by a huge wave of water caused by a speeding lorry as I careered down a hill in a torrential rain storm (slap stick in its horror) and the heavens opening  whilst we waited for the foot ferry to Calais (whilst everyone starred at us from the warmth of their cars and coaches as if we were mad)...somehow we manged to see the comedy side of that too! I'm still amazed we made it to Dover early and was able to board an earlier ferry - GO TEAM!

Day 2: Calais to Brugge (80 miles through a very closed Belgium. It was a national holiday but does anyone really live here though - we never saw them!?).

There were beautiful canal cycles leading to Brugge, we learnt an important lesson about national holidays and how strict they are about the kitchen closing (even if they have food left and have only served half your group) - luckily we'd stocked up on cheese in France so no one went hungry! We arrived in time to have a stroll around Brugge and sample the beer.

Day 3: Bruge to Delft (over 100 miles - the longest distance any of us had cycled in one day!)

The longest, hardest day - we covered a lot of ground (so much so I can barely piece it all together now!). The landscape changed dramatically from canals, accross country to the North Sea Cycle Route. Michelle and Kate ('Team Van') found us a beach club for lunch and the sun even shined briefly. There we a suprising numbers of foot ferrys. We locked our bikes in the huge city bike park and we were all so tired and washed that we could barely walk or speak when arrived.

Day 4: Delft to Amsterdam (50 miles)

The final dash, a random lunch stop with rock and roll bands and americana and a very wet finishing line in Dam Square!

And just like that,  the cycle was over!

A huge thank you to everyone that sponsored us and supported us  - you're amazing.

We're now at 90% of our fundraising target- so its not too late to give a little donation and show us that you love us :)

Follow this link to make a donation now>

My own thanks to all the team, we couldn't have been a nicer bunch - especially those that worked so hard to train, plan and go over and above fundraising for our project.









Photos pilfered from: Kate Curtis, Elena, Amy Huges, Emma Scullion and Steve Willard