Thank you - today is the day!


Today is the day - this morning we started our epic 258+ mile cycle to Amsterdam. Here is a little film we made to thank you for helping us to smash our target and sending us on our way feeling loved and supported by all our friends and family….

We'll be posting updates, photos and vids from our journey on our website, facebook, twitter and instagram - follow #awamu if you want to keep track of how hard we're working for your donation.

With love and all our thanks,

Team awamu...

Emma Scullion, Steve Willard, Kerry Bradshaw, Amy Hughes, Elena and Dom Jimenez Busher, Sam Carrington, Joey Leach, Stefan Goodchild, Ian Wilde, Ryan Quinn, Denis O'Hare, Sally Willmett, Richard Emerson, David Otridge, Michelle Owen and Kate Curtis x


PS. It's never too late to give us some extra encouragement - follow the link to make an extra donation.